Laurie Anderson & Kronos Quartet: LANDFALL. CD


Laurie Anderson, Jacob Garchik, Kronos Quartet  Arranged
Laurie Anderson  Violin, Vocals, Keyboards, Sampler, Percussion, Effects, Music, Words
Sunny Yang  Cello
Hank Dutt  Viola
David Harrington, John Sherba  Violin


1    CNN Predicts A Monster Storm  03:19
2     Wind Whistles Through The Dark City  01:59
3     The Water Rises  02:43
4     Our Street Is A Black River  01:20
5     Galaxies  01:07
6     Darkness Falls  01:56
7     Dreams  04:01
8     Dreams Translated  00:51
9     The Dark Side  01:11
10   Built You A Mountain  02:16
11   The Electricity Goes Out And We Move To A Hotel  03:04
12   We Learn To Speak Yet Another Language  03:01
13   Dawn Of Thev World  02:22
14   The Wind Lifted The Boats And Left Them On The Highway  02:40
15   It Twisted The Street Signs  01:13
16   Then It Receded  00:52
17   The Nineteen Stars Of Heaven  02:44
18   Nothing Left But Their Names  09:38
19   All The Extinct Animals  02:50
20   Galaxies II  00:54
21   Never What You Think It Will Be  01:11
22   Thunder Continues In The Aftermath  01:55
23  We Blame Each Other For Losing The Way  00:42
24   Another Long Evening  01:57
25   Riding Bicycles Through The Muddy Streets  02:37
26   Helicopters Hang Over Downtown  02:16
27   We Head Out  01:50
28   Everything Is Floating  01:59
29   Gongs And Bells Sing  02:33
30   Old Motors And Helicopters  02:49

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